Brilliant idea for memorials

Recently a couple walked into Cempro enquiring about our EZI-ROC rocks.

The purpose of their visit was to find a hollow rock to put the ashes of their loved one inside and place it in their beautiful memorial garden. In fact, this was the third rock they had purchased for this purpose. The type of rocks they chose were our Quarry Rocks and are all different to achieve a natural look in their garden. A special engraved plaque was fixed to each rock. The EZI-ROC rocks are set into an area of their garden and landscaped with their favourite shrubs, trees and flowers.

Each EZI-ROC have a memorial plaque that is mounted onto the rock.

Should a shift in residency occur they can easily move the rocks and create another outdoor space at their new home.

Picture shows the EZF12 Quarry Rock

Another addition to a memorial garden could include a Water Feature such as our Adwater Waterfall Rocks. The peaceful sound of gentle flowing water can enhance the outdoor space and is visually appealing.

More information can be found on our website or contact us 09 832 9088.

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